Seminář From understanding Economics to Conscious Sustainability v Ostravě 21.11.2022

Consideration of the micro-foundations of sustainability shows the capacity of firms to act as a vehicle to nurture virtue and human well-being. Through a self-reflective line of reasoning, this lecture, by focusing on the foundation of economic reasoning, aims to contribute to re-conceptualize sustainability in the light of aspects of individual conscious behaviour, to the benefit of personal and organisational well-being.

Vážení členové České společnosti ekonomické,
pobočka ČSE Ostrava Vás zve na seminář

From understanding Economics to Conscious Sustainability

dne 21. listopadu od 9:00

na Ekonomické fakultě VŠB-TU Ostrava, v přednáškové místnosti A1301.



Mario Carrassi‬ 

• Associate Professor in Business Management at Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro, Department of Economics and Finance. 

• Lecturer in Business Management and Accounting, International Management and Sustainability, Business Ethics.

• Director of Orsù Innovation Lab - Open Innovation Lab for the development of synergies between companies and universities, start-up development - soft skills development – sustainable innovation - Department of Economics and Finance - University of Bari Aldo Moro.

• Member of Group for Integrity and Governance (GIG) – University of South Australia.


*Moderátorem akce je doc. Ing. Aleš Melecký, Ph.D., Ekonomická fakulta VŠB-TU Ostrava – předseda výkonného výboru R.p. ČSE Ostrava.


Seminář proběhne v anglickém jazyce, pouze prezenčně bez nahrávání.

Pozvánka_Mario Carrasi.pdf (28.10.2022)
